Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Most Trusted Company

Soft Drinking Water


Cholorine Free Water


Pure Mineralized Water


Total Home Solution


Why Choose Uaques

Healthy Composition

Drinking safe, fresh, and healthy water gives you better digestion so always try to drink safe and healthy water.

6 Filtration Stages

After completing 6 filtration stages we are supplying our water to our customers otherwise we are not.

Quality certificates

Our water quality is certified in several countries (BD, USA, UK, UAE) due to the purity of the water.

About Uaques

Uaques working in this industry for the last 40 years with trust and honesty. We provide fresh,safe, pure and healthy drinking water for our customers with great pleasure.
  • 1Calcium
  • 2Magnesium
  • 3Sodium
  • 4Potassium
  • 5Chloride
  • 6Nitrate
  • 7TDS
  • 8PH

Director’s Board

They are our directors board members who are representing our shareholders, make hiring, firing decisions and overseeing all the decisions in the company.

Our Testimonials